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*Image by Denys Kostyuchenko
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About Us
Ge to know the people behind Book Direct Forgotten Coast.
who we are
Why are we right?
how we handle data
For guests
For owners

Why are we right for guests?

Book Direct Forgotten Coast is focused on connecting home owners, guests and communities. We do not restrict communication between owners or guests so everyone can understand if the house is the right fit for all parties. We look forward to being the listing service of choice for the Forgotten Coast.

Why use Book Direct?       

Our promise is to eliminate fees and allow for immediate access to owners and property managers. We don’t take a cut of the transaction from the guests or owners. We also provide access to the most desirable houses in the area that don’t accept the conditions and fees of the big companies. The choicest properties aren’t on the big sites because they don’t have to be. We also provide all the access you need to property managers and owners to solve issues you incur with the property you have selected. Book Direct Forgotten Coast also keeps tabs on the houses listed on the site and reviews houses that do not consistently deliver on the pictures they take and promises they deliver.

What is Book Direct Forgotten Coast for Guests?       

Book Direct is a listing service for guests to find the home that best meets their desires and budget for their time at the beach. This means that as you sort and search through vacation rentals it's solely based on your search criteria and not ordered based on the property manager who paid for a gold listing. We are the search engine that tries to put every fee and tax in the initial price you see…..and not at the end of the inquiry experience. This aids your budget and search to see the homes based on your criteria and budget with less confusion and noise. We will soon have the largest number of homes to search than any other provider for our specific area. Over the next year, we will add information about the area, restaurants, and activities. We will continually provide you access to the most information for your vacation decisions.

Why can we be trusted?      

We know our local area and stay connected with our small section of the world. We have personally met with every Property Manager. We also either personally know each homeowner or validated individual ownership with the tax records and contact information. No one can list on Book Direct without certified proof of their control/ownership of the listed house.

Guests also need to do their part by communicating directly with websites and emails provided on our website and communicate with property managers or owners. Pay attention to how the owner communicates and be wary of unsolicited emails on Facebook or in your email.

Why are we right for owners?

Book Direct Forgotten Coast is focused on connecting home owners, guests and communities. We dont restrict communication between owners or guests so everyone can understand if the house is the right fit for all parties. We look forward to being the listing service of choice for the Forgotten Coast.

Why use Book Direct?       

Our promise is to eliminate fees and allow for immediate access to owners and property managers. We don’t take a cut of the transaction from the guests or owners. We also provide access to the most desirable houses in the area that don’t accept the conditions and fees of the big companies. The choicest properties aren’t on the big sites because they don’t have to be. We also provide all the access you need to property managers and owners to solve issues you incur with the property you have selected. Book Direct Forgotten Coast also keeps tabs on the houses listed on the site and reviews houses that do not consistently deliver on the pictures they take and promises they deliver.

What is Book Direct Forgotten Coast for owners?       

We will also not just be a site for rentals but the site will grow into restaurant information, things to do, and where to go. Book Direct Forgotten Coast will be everything for guests to plan before they arrive and play while they are here. It's our goal to be so connected to the community, that the local and visitor alike will find us a great place to gain insight on what’s good and happening now.

Book Direct has a simple model of providing high value in a niche market. We will provide a common service uncommonly well. The annual rate, to start, is $300 per year ($225 for property managers with 10+ homes).  We will not get in the way of your booking, vetting a guest, or a cut of the business. We will be your least cost highest outlet for guests to find you. Our goal, within three years, is to at least make owners think about pulling listings from the big companies.  Email [email protected] or call at (850) 974-0122 to add your vacation rental.